Google drive PDF to Open AI to Notion

Hello, I am new to Pipedream and I do not have much coding experience.

I recently followed Thomas Frank’s Voice to Notion tutorial and I am in love with Pipedream. Now I would like a file reader to help me transcibe and summarize pdfs in a google drive and store the summaries in a Notion database. This is the suspected workflow : 1. Google drive 2. get file meta data ID/mimetype 3. get shareable link 4. create JS direct download link 5. , pdf to JSON 6. Process with Open AI 7. send to notion 8. update notion.

A. Can I get feedback on whether this workflow can be shortened or improved B. I cannot seem to get the correct metadata for, which would allow me to automatically run the process on any PDF placed in my specified folder. I am able to use a URL for a direct link to the one specific paper in the google drive at a time.

Any help would be appreciated, if it has already been posted then I can check there as well. Thank you


I’d also love to know how to do this and for the exact same reason. Love the voice to ChatGPT to Notion workflow, but need one similar for PDFs.