FAQ: how do I issue an error HTTP response in a workflow?

Someone asked how you can issue an HTTP response that tells the client (e.g. a browser) that there was an error with the request.

The $respond() function lets you return a response in a workflow using the HTTP API trigger. When a request arrives, this lets you respond with any HTTP status code, headers, and body you’d like:

  status: 200,
  headers: { "my-custom-header": "value" },
  body: { message: "My custom response" }, // This can be any string, object, Buffer, or Readable stream

You can add any HTTP status code in the status property. Depending on the specific error, you may want to issue a 400 error:

  status: 400,
  // example. You can return a Bad Request error if the request was missing data or otherwise malformed
  body: { message: "Request body didn't contain field X. Please try again" },

or a 401 error for auth-related issues. For example, if you require that requests contain an API key or other secret, you can validate that in your workflow and issue a 401 error if the API key wasn’t provided or was incorrect:

  status: 401,
  body: { message: "Invalid API key" },

Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments below!