Error when writing to Google Sheet


I have gotten started with Pipedream recently. I have one workflow, on the free plan. It has a webhook, at which I can receive output generated by Twilio. Basically, I have a studio flow, as it’s called, in Twilio that asks a texting partner for a name and title, as per an example I saw somewhere. So imagine three variables, Name=Luke, Title=Jedi, and Number=<{{widgets.Name.Inbound.From}} (in Twilio speak).

The webhook appears to get used correctly, because in Pipedream, I can click into the Trigger → Query and see the three variables. However, in the second piece, the Step to add a row to Google Sheets, I get the below error message, even though I believe I have the variables correctly identified as items 0-2 to populate into a new row in the sheet:

Error{“error”:{“code”:400,“message”:“Unable to parse range: [object Object]”,“status”:“INVALID_ARGUMENT”}}

at Object.addRowsToSheet (/opt/ee/c_bDfM4dw/user/google_sheets/ at process.processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) at (/opt/ee/c_bDfM4dw/user/google_sheets/actions/add-single-row/add-single-row.js:55:12) at global.executeComponent (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/@pipedreamhq/execution-environment/launch_worker.js:141:22) at MessagePort.messageHandler (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/@pipedreamhq/execution-environment/launch_worker.js:586:35)

Thank you for your help, and I apologize for being a total noob

Welcome @st3121 and thanks for reaching out. Would you mind clicking the Share button at the top-right of your workflow, and share it with

Not sure what I did, but I got it to work? Errr. noobers luck, lol? Dylburger, I think you might be the founder of this thing, and I wish you tons of luck with this, because I so appreciate your covering the help forums!

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Glad you figured it out! Always happy to help. Let us know if you have any other questions or feedback.

It seems that I have the same or at least a similar problem.
I have tried the workflow (grab a URL for a zoom cloud recording) and it worked at the test. The second row to populate failed and the add single row step still fails.

I am bloody new but love to go deeper :blush:
The error message shows:

Unable to parse range: REC!1:1

where REC is the actual sheet to write to I do not understand where the 1:1 comes from.

And here the details:

    at Gaxios._request (/tmp/__pdg__/dist/code/aee4a0e020caf05952b1fe268e9d6d52171ecf3f98b71c65d7034489120dbc62/node_modules/.pnpm/gaxios@4.3.3/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:129:23)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
    at OAuth2Client.requestAsync (/tmp/__pdg__/dist/code/aee4a0e020caf05952b1fe268e9d6d52171ecf3f98b71c65d7034489120dbc62/node_modules/.pnpm/google-auth-library@7.14.1/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/oauth2client.js:368:18)
    at Object.getSpreadsheetValues (file:///tmp/__pdg__/dist/code/aee4a0e020caf05952b1fe268e9d6d52171ecf3f98b71c65d7034489120dbc62/code/google_sheets/
    at (file:///tmp/__pdg__/dist/code/aee4a0e020caf05952b1fe268e9d6d52171ecf3f98b71c65d7034489120dbc62/code/google_sheets/actions/add-single-row/add-single-row.mjs:80:32)
    at global.executeComponent (/var/task/launch_worker.js:146:22)
    at MessagePort.messageHandler (/var/task/launch_worker.js:618:28)

Any hints? (I don’t mind to find the error by myself but a hint would help me a lot as all this is new to me)

Hi @hiledum

I could be wrong, but I believe the error is the range you defined.

REC!1:1 will restrict the range that your action is allowed to operate within to just the first row and first column in the REC sheet.

Could you try modifying that range to include the entire sheet, or at least the area you’d like updated?

Hi @pierce !
Thank you for your fast reply!

I was actually thinking the same but the first row is the header row, as you can see in the screenshot below:

Further I can not find where to modify anything about the range.
I am still into training mode with pipedream but wanted to start out with some simple yet useful workflows …

Hmm interesting, which Google Sheets are you using specifically?

Can you also share the configuration of the actual row(s) input as well?

Here is what shows in “Input”:

googleSheets => $auth{4}
-first row: oauth_access_token:*****
-second row: oauth_client_id:*****
-third row: oauth_refresh_token:*****
-fourth row: oauth_uid:*****
sheetId => SheetTitle - SheetID
sheetName => REC
hasHeaders =>Yes
col_0001 => Timestamp
col_0002 => Link (Zoom cloud recording)

I have changed the sheet to write to and in the night I will have another triggered event. Let’s see if this made the difference. :wink:

I figured it out!

I had made a copy of my G-Sheet which no longer had the Sheet where pipedream had to write to.
At selecting a G-Sheet in which there actually existed the “REC” sheet it worked out properly.

What I do not understand is why in pd the called action changed to manipulate the first row only instead of giving me an advise that the sheet where I wanted it to write to simply did not exist.
I guess I need to dig a bit deeper in understanding the code a little better to add this error message.

Anyways thanks for staying tuned and for your advises !!!

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