Ecwid integration enhancements

Hi all,

I see that new component created for Ecwid which is very basic at present. And it can only call Ecwid API to get certain data. Here is the git issue. [APP] Ecwid Integration · Issue #4050 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub But it is already closed.

Ecwid also generates events which can be captured via webhooks. I have implemented this as my own separate app and just for my integration. But, this can also be implemented as generic pipedream app in Ecwid.

Here how it should work.

In Ecwid space

  1. Create pipedream app in Ecwid
  2. Request Ecwid to update webhook (Which is single webhook for all integrations) - something like - All the ecwid events for pipedream will be received here.

In Pipedream space

  1. Users when install ecwid plugin by providing store id and authorising through oauth. This perform two things:
  • Install pipedream app on ecwid store of the user
  • New webhook generated in the user source and webhook to store association stored with pipedream.


  1. Any event generated by Ecwid stores which has pipedream app installed, pipedream’s registered webhook will receive that event via post request.
  2. Pipedream now should check the store id in that event, map it to user webhooks and forward the events to all the mapped user webhooks.


Hi @voldemort

Thanks for the detailed breakdown, what you’re requesting is a Source component specifically.

I’ve opened your request as a Github issue here:

But you don’t need to wait for a Pipedream developer or community member to build this integration for the public registry.

You can build your own and deploy to your own account for private use:

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Thanks very much.

Yes, I have implemented it as my own custom app for now. But, I cannot translate this into a generic app which if done can help other ecwid users in the community. I am very much interested in contributing. But, I need to go through the existing code in more detail to understand the structures. Will try doing it as and when I get time.

Hi @voldemort

Very cool! Yes, would like to help if I can. Just ask here or on our Github. We accept PR’s and we can help guide you through the concepts.

We also have a whole Component Development learning series on Pipedream University.

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