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If incoming new Notion tasks exceed the daily limit, do they exist in queue for the next day, so none are missed?
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If incoming new Notion tasks exceed the daily limit, do they exist in queue for the next day, so none are missed?
No, the queue is used when you configure execution controls
Events that error for any reason will not be replayed unless auto-retry on errors is enabled
Thanks. Last question; What’s happening when I test one of the branches and the other two revert to a fail state, when each passes individually? Can’t deploy until all pass, but can’t get them to pass without failing the others. Was working, I increased the timer setting only.
Is it the yellow exclamation mark? That indicates that the step has not been tested / the execution has not passed through that step
It shouldn’t block from deploying though
What error message do you see that is blocking you?
It’s a shell game. When I test the New trigger on the left, the other two get an error. Test the middle, the other two get an error. It’s as if testing one dirties the status of the others, I’ve obviously deployed before, but it’s a surprise when I can. Can’t figure out the right order.
After testing the Deploy button just says Test to Deploy.
Thanks for sharing the loom,
The yellow exclamation mark is a warning, and not an error. For error you’ll see a red checkmark
Did you try to click on the Deploy button at the right of the screen?
Hi, Andrew. It always seems to go to “Test to Deploy”, and shows the Deploy button as not accessible. The flow is functioning, but I’m not understanding the process for editing and deploying this build. I test, it passes, but does not enable Deploy. It was provided by someone else for me to modify as my first flow. Not a big deal now as it’s working, but not being as intuitive as I need.
The process for editing is: