Can't Re-Add Default Prop Values Without First Removing All Default Prop Values

I created a webhook source with an array of string props to determine which events to emit. It has four operations and they are all selected by default: Create, Update, Merge, Delete.

I can remove some of these default options and the source works as intended: it stops emitting events for any incoming webhook with an operation that is not on the list.

The problem is if I try to put an operation back on the list after deleting it. If I delete ‘Update’ but then change my mind and add it again, incoming ‘Update’ webhooks still get filtered out even after I click the Update Props button to save my changes.

I see the newly added ‘Update’ on the configuration tab:

But it is still missing from the list on the event tab:

If I remove all but one operation and then add all of them again, it shows only the one I didn’t remove (but check out those extra commas):

If I remove the last default operation, the rest of them appear. From there, I’m able to add and remove and re-add as much as I want to without issues.

Another funny thing, possibly related, is that I can add duplicate options to the default list of options:

I can add one extra copy for each option and they show up as blanks on the event tab:

If I delete the remaining default options, the extra ones I added show up normally again:

@CelesteBancosHP are you creating this source from a pre-built source, or did you create this one yourself? I tried updating an existing source with a similar array of string props and I couldn’t reproduce.

Would you be comfortable sharing the full code for your source here, or emailing with the URL of your source (<id>)?

This is happening with a source I created myself and deployed with pd dev. I’ll email the link.