Can Pipedream Triggers Forward Telegram Messages from a Public Channel to a Private One?

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hey guys im new to pipedream, ive done a bit of research and have some code i can utilise, but using triggers on pipedream, have those got the ability to forward telegram messages from a public channel i dont own, to one i do own?

Hey , I believe you’ll receive events from the bot channel, but honestly I’m not sure. Could you try with these two triggers:
New Message Updates (Instant) - Pipedream
New Updates (Instant) - Pipedream

thanks, i do actually have my own code to test, ive tested it locally on my pc and it works, maybe pipedream would just run the async python for me?

Yes! You could add a custom interval timer trigger and run your python code

ok amazing stuff

can’t believe i havent found this platform sooner