Can I Receive Workflow Execution Failure Notifications via Text or Whatsapp Instead of Email on the Basic Plan?

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I’m wondering if when a workflow execution fails I can get a text notification or whatsapp notification on my phone instead of email. I have the basic plan thanks

By default, Pipedream workflows send email notifications for unhandled errors, but you might prefer to receive notifications through other channels like SMS or WhatsApp for immediate attention. While direct integration for sending error notifications to WhatsApp or SMS is not explicitly mentioned in the provided documentation, you can achieve this by using custom logic within your workflows. For SMS notifications, you could use a service like Twilio. For WhatsApp notifications, Twilio also offers WhatsApp integration. You would need to set up a Twilio account and use their API to send messages. Here’s a basic example of how you might set up a Pipedream workflow to send an SMS notification using Twilio when an error occurs. Note that this requires you to have a Twilio account and to use their API credentials: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform" export default defineComponent({ props: { twilio: { type: "app", app: "twilio", }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { try { // Your workflow logic here } catch (error) { // Send SMS via Twilio API on error await axios($, { method: "POST", url: `${this.twilio.$auth.account_sid}/Messages.json`, auth: { username: `${this.twilio.$auth.account_sid}`, password: `${this.twilio.$auth.auth_token}`, }, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: `Body=Workflow Error: ${error.message}&From=${'Your Twilio Number'}&To=${'Your Phone Number'}`, }); } }, }); Please replace 'Your Twilio Number' and 'Your Phone Number' with your actual Twilio number and your personal phone number, respectively. For WhatsApp notifications, the process would be similar, but you’d need to follow Twilio’s specific setup for WhatsApp, including using a WhatsApp-enabled Twilio number and following WhatsApp’s template guidelines for sending messages. Remember, this is a custom solution that requires you to handle errors explicitly in your workflow and to have an external service like Twilio set up for notifications. For more detailed guidance on integrating Twilio with Pipedream, or for assistance with WhatsApp notifications, please visit [Twilio’s documentation](https://www

Hi , do you have access to the v2 builder (i.e. add ?v2=1 to the end of the workflow URL)?

For example: Sign Up - Pipedream

If so, you can create a workflow that listens to other workflow errors:

  1. Add a new trigger, search for Pipedream app
  2. Select Workspace (your_org) $errors events
  3. Continue building your workflow to send a notification somewhere else instead of email

It will be invoked whenever any other workflow in your workspace finishes in an errored state

Hi Andrew

I checked, but got a 404, so I went to settings and in alpha parameters I enabled the v3 builder?

If you have the v2 by default there’s no need to add that URL param

Ah ok this might be the reason then

I will try your suggestion, other option I saw was triggering on the new email notif and check whether it specifies the workflow

But I like yours better, seems more robust

That could also work

But yeah, use what makes most sense!

In v3 my options are limited to this:

Yeah, it’s missing in the 3.0 Builder currently

I’ve shared this with the team

Also, I invite you to try the 3.0 Builder. We’ve received positive feedback on how it improves development and in the future we’ll ship control flow (aka if/else/loops)

Cooooool control flow has been my top most wanted!!

Ok, in v2 I have it, now I can’t specify which workflow to listen to in the trigger, but I guess my second step can be to check the workflow id!