Are There Cost-Effective Alternatives to Looker Studio for Visualizing Google Sheet Data with Dynamic Access Control?

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I’m currently using Looker Studio as a user portal to visualize our Google Sheet Data, after all the pipedream magic. I find Looker is a bit simple in viewer access control. I want a person from Business A to only see the data associated with business A. While Looker can have filters they don’t seem to be dynamic or manipulated via URL.
Is there any cost effective alternatives out there? Or do I need to dig deeper into manipulating Looker?

Cheers everyone

Hi Marc, also a Looker Studio user here :man-raising-hand:, and I normally just duplicate a few reports and adjust filters separately :sweat_smile:. Would love to see if there’re any alternatives.

In Tableau we use row-level security to do this.

We basically define a calculated field which checks if the user’s group corresponds to the record, and then use that calculated field as a filter on dashboards. Otherwise, they can’t see the data. It adapts automatically to each user since it’s based on the groups they’re in.

I’m sure something similar must be available in Looker.

We usually call the calculated field can_view, and it returns a boolean value with a calculation like this:

(ISMEMBEROF('Partners - Partner 1') AND [Partner] = 'Partner 1')
OR (ISMEMBEROF('Partners - Partner 2') AND [Partner] = 'Partner 2')
OR ...

It looks like using parameters and filters is workable in Looker Studio. I’ll build it out and let you know

Ah surprisingly I haven’t used parameters yet! Looking forward to it !
@U05LWJMUX0A not sure if Looker Studio has this flexibility tho, it’s not Looker.