Are There Any Issues with Data Store "Get Record or Create Record" Action Since the Interface Update, Especially with Key Entry During Workflow Editing?

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Hello, anyone having issues with data store “get record or create record” action since the interface update?

Unable to edit a production workflow because the data store actions do not have a “key” and i CANT enter a “key” (live workflow does have a key set, but when editing the key goes away)

This is happening across the whole account

I see that, I think that’s a bug, we’re looking into it

Anything i can do to move this forward? (any other context, submitting the issue somewhere else etc)

Nope, I’m working on getting this in front of engineering now, I’m able to reproduce that issue as well.

Alright, thanks !!

Thank you for flagging it!


I’ll let you know as soon as it’s fixed

Okay FYI this should be fixed :slightly_smiling_face:

You might need to refresh the page

YES it worked!

Thanks this was awesome, im able to get right back into it!!