Adding Additional Source to Clickup: Can I Use PropDefinition from Original Component?

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Hello guys. I’m trying to add additional source for clickup. Is there a way for me to use propDefinition from the original clickup component (pipedream/ at master · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub) ?

Yea I recommend looking at some of the other existing sources. You’ll see that they import either import common from "../common/common.mjs";, which also imports the main app file.

it works if you want to add that changes to the main repo. But I was wondering if that’s possible for source uploaded via pd dev

Ah I gotcha. You should also be able to import as an NPM package

resolved the problem by cloning repo, and applying my changes there, so could point pd dev to modified version.

btw, one more thing. Trying to reach methods defined in clickup component from my action, but it says it can’t see them. Documentation says it’s possible, but it doesn’t work for me :frowning:

Can you paste some of the relevant code here?