
Bringing subscription businesses 5%+ ARR growth per month by converting repeat sign-ups, account sharers and more into happy paying customers

Integrate the Upollo API with the Bash API

Setup the Upollo API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Bash API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Upollo and Bash remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Run Bash Code with the Bash API

Run any Bash in a Pipedream step within your workflow. Refer to the Pipedream Bash docs to learn more.

Try it

Overview of Upollo

The Upollo API offers real-time user behavior analysis to prevent fraud and account sharing. It's designed to detect and respond to suspicious activities by scoring user actions and sessions. In Pipedream, you can harness this API to craft workflows that automate responses to these activities, integrate with other services for enriched functionality, and streamline user management processes.

Connect Bash

# $PIPEDREAM_STEPS file contains data from previous steps
cat $PIPEDREAM_STEPS | jq .trigger.context.id

# Write data to $PIPEDREAM_EXPORTS to return it from the step
# Exports must be written as key=value
echo foo=bar >> $PIPEDREAM_EXPORTS