PDF Charts

Effortlessly design and customize charts with drag-and-drop. Add dynamic data using a simple API call. Download PDFs instantly.

Integrate the PDF Charts API with the Python API

Setup the PDF Charts API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Python API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate PDF Charts and Python remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Create PDF with the PDF Charts API

Create a PDF document using PDF Charts. See the documentation

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Run Python Code with the Python API

Write Python and use any of the 350k+ PyPi packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Python docs to learn more.

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Overview of PDF Charts

The PDF Charts API allows users to create high-quality, customizable PDF documents featuring various chart types directly from data. This API is especially valuable in automated reporting systems, data visualization for analytics, and dynamically generated financial or operational reports. By integrating this API with Pipedream, you can automate the generation and distribution of these documents based on triggers from numerous other apps and data sources, streamlining processes like monthly sales reporting, customer analytics, or resource management.

Overview of Python

Develop, run and deploy your Python code in Pipedream workflows. Integrate seamlessly between no-code steps, with connected accounts, or integrate Data Stores and manipulate files within a workflow.

This includes installing PyPI packages, within your code without having to manage a requirements.txt file or running pip.

Below is an example of using Python to access data from the trigger of the workflow, and sharing it with subsequent workflow steps:

Connect Python

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
  # Reference data from previous steps
  # Return data for use in future steps
  return {"foo": {"test":True}}