🔥WORKFLOW STOPPED: Parse Error: Header Overflow

Hey! Out of the blue skies, I started to receive “Parse Error: Header Overflow” for one of my HTTP requests.

I made tests on different platforms postman, integromat, etc - everything works as it should, and no errors are received.

Sometimes It goes without any problems, but mostly it stops everything because of this.

How to solve this issue?


@muiznieks Could you do me a favor and visit the Settings tab of your workflow, then share the workflow with Pipedream support? I’d like to take a look to see if I can help spot the issue.

Once you share the workflow, could you email the workflow’s URL to support@pipedream.com?

Thank you. I sent an email. :slight_smile:

Just to close the loop on this thread, the issue was a custom validateStatus option to axios:

const res = await axios({
  method: 'GET',
  validateStatus: () => true // <--- the problem line, remove this

There’s no need to alter the validateStatus default option to the axios client.