Giao Phan : Are you using $respond by any chance?
Nacho Caballero : yes to disabling and no to $respond
Giao Phan : Mind reposting the entire code to that step?
Nacho Caballero : ``` = $checkpoint[].buzzsproutEpisodeId;
if (! {
const axios = require("@pipedreamhq/platform").axios;
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const request = {
method: “POST”,
headers: {
‘Authorization’: Bearer ${process.env.BUZZSPROUT_TOKEN}
data: {
title: steps.init.titleWithoutAuthors,
published_at: steps.init.publishAtTime,
description: steps.init.descriptionHtml,
summary: steps.init.teaser,
artist: steps.init.artist,
episode_number: steps.init.episodeNumber,
audio_file: fs.readFileSync(steps.downloadAudioFile.filePath).toString(),
const response = await axios(this, request); =;
$checkpoint[].buzzsproutEpisodeId =
Giao Phan : I don’t use the platform axios much, does it auto export or anything?
Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : nah you have to export manually, for example **await** require("@pipedreamhq/platform").axios(**this**, config)
shouldn’t set any exports (just tested)
Giao Phan : One possible thing is that the $checkpoint is already huge, so updating it blows through the limit. Does it look reasonable in the settings?
Giao Phan : Oh, if the response errors out, we will export something to debug
Giao Phan : in the axios wrapper
Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : oh yes good call
Nacho Caballero : I just tried running with plain axios and without $checkpoint and the error persists.
Giao Phan : hmm, one more test, can we put a try catch around the axios call?
Nacho Caballero : I can bypass that error adding:
‘maxContentLength’: Infinity,
‘maxBodyLength’: Infinity`
Giao Phan : Yeah, so I think what is happening is that the error the axios throws includes the original request with its big payload. The platform one cleans it up a bit, but not enough.
Nacho Caballero : You’re right. In fact, if I use the platform axios, it fails. It only works if I use the standard axios library
Nacho Caballero : Thanks for the help, I was struggling to figure it out