Why Isn't the Google Drive - Download File Action Successfully Downloading Files to the PD /tmp Path?

That second one is the one I’m using

Works for me with /tmp/... in the file name :man-shrugging:

But the code you sent is for the helper function.

This is the code for the Google one.

That one does not automatically prepend /tmp:


Ah, that helps. Ty. I’ll go back and re-add tmp into the destination

I must be blind because now I’m simply not seeing anywhere in the docs that make it clear how to create a directory in the File Store from a workflow, programmatically.

Does the file store even support directories?

Ah nvm, it does:

Yeah, doesn’t seem to be a way to create them programatically. Only read.


I may have a way. I’ll report back.

Hi , reading through this thread — what’s your use case for File Stores (vs. Data Stores)? Curious to know and to share with the team

I would imagine using Data Stores if you need to frequently write/read data programmatically in your workflows

And use File Stores for uploading static files for read operations

The use case is:
• Users drop files into a Google Drive folder, over the course of some time.
• An misc. event is triggered.
• Upon trigger, a process examines the Google Drive folder, collects up the files and downloads them the PD File Store.
• Once they arrive at the PD File Store, they are systematically archived into a single .zip file and sent to an FTP site.

I’m working through the mechanics of bullet 3 atm. I made progress last night, but there’s work left. I believe I have a way to create the subdir ahead of time, but haven’t had time to look again this morning.

Thanks for sharing the use case !

I’m wondering if it’s possible to do that without the File Store — just downloading all the files to /tmp

During a single execution there shouldn’t be any issues with the /tmp directory getting cleared since it doesn’t take much time