Why is My PD Project Not Deploying and Showing ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid Error?

Just the 1 process_updated_tickets

But you’re seeing this in the dev branch, right?

- namespace: process_updated_tickets
  runtime: nodejs20.x
  uses: "./process_updated_tickets/entry.js"
- namespace: process_updated_tickets
  runtime: nodejs20.x
  uses: "./process_updated_tickets/entry.js"

Yeah exactly

Gotcha, I think the change in git was not applied to the project in PD

Made the change. Commited, pulled in to the UI, merged to prod.

Deploy continues to fail.

Same error as before via ActiveRecord

Found a 2nd duplicate, fixing.

I believe we are back in business

so end result: manual merge conflict created a couple of duplicate entries that needed manual intervention but did not show up in the PD UI.

Noted for future!

Good note

We’ll add it to the troubleshooting guide