Why Did the Pipedream Stop Processing ECWID Events with a 403 Error Code?

New Ecwid Paid Orders source

Are you a free user or paid user on ecwid? Are you on VENTURE plan on ecwid?

Venture yes

as per my last email, did you reconnect your ECWID account?

It was unhealthy

It’s in my plan today. I reported the ECWID reply. I hope to be able to do that shortly

Got it, thanks for providing their response

Reconnecting your ecwid account should help get past the Unauthorized error

So I think I did what I was supposed to. I managed to get the secret token which was complicated for me to figure out and I put it when I was asked to but still no joy. What could be the matter?

this shows no connected workflows however.

So trigger doesn’t nor do new paid items show in the test trigger list

It should’ve shown up green — did you click on the Reconnect button?

Several times

On several occasions

Can you try editing your workflow and see if you can select the new account in the trigger configuration?

So after setting up 5 ecwid apps and going nuts to find the secret token which is on a secret page(!) i tried an account called ECWID one ECWID NEW which was working until June 10 and just now ECWID 2406 which I tested all 5 ECWID apps on. Test connection works so I save it and try and I still get the same error and sometimes the added bonus of no test events showing and when they do only the last one shows. Infuriating

Reconnect fails on the first two accounts above and no connection with the last

So I uninstalled all ecwid app instances and reinstalled one of them here’s what happens after the secret code testing connection (see second pic below as I deleted it here)

So I try to configure the trigger