What is the issue with the provided code related to the undefined 'steps'?

To integrate the text data from the previous step steps.code.$return_value.groups into your Python code within a Pipedream workflow, you’ll need to adjust your approach since the provided Python code cannot be directly used in Pipedream’s Python code steps. However, I can guide you on how to adapt this logic using Pipedream’s Node.js environment, which is the primary environment for Pipedream workflows. Given the constraints, here’s how you can adapt your logic to work within a Pipedream Node.js code step, including fetching the kolli-ids from a previous step and making requests to the WooCommerce API: ```
import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform” export default defineComponent({ props: { woocommerce: { type: “app”, app: “woocommerce”, }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { const base_url = https://${this.woocommerce.$auth.url}/wp-json/wc/v3/ const kolli_ids = steps.code.$return_value.groups // Adjusted to fetch from previous step for (const kolli_id_data of kolli_ids) { const kolli_id = kolli_id_data[“kolli-id”] const response = await axios($, { url: ${base_url}orders?search=${kolli_id}, auth: { username: ${this.woocommerce.$auth.key}, password: ${this.woocommerce.$auth.secret}, }, }) const orders = response.data if (orders.length > 0) { const order = orders[0] // Assuming the kolli-id is unique and only appears in one order const message = Din order ${order.number} blev tidigare inlämnad till PostNord // Sending a customer message to the order await axios($, { method: “post”, url: ${base_url}orders/${order.id}/customer-notes, auth: { username: ${this.woocommerce.$auth.key}, password: ${this.woocommerce.$auth.secret}, }, data: { note: message, }, }) console.log(Message sent for order: ${order.number}) } else { console.log(No order found for kolli-id: ${kolli_id}) } } }, })

Whats wrong, can you explain and print the correct code? why doesnt this work with pipedream?

const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’); // Install with: npm install node-fetch

// WooCommerce API details (replace with your credentials)
const baseURL = ‘https://your-store.com/wp-json/wc/v3/’;
const consumerKey = ‘your-consumer-key’;
const consumerSecret = ‘your-consumer-secret’;

// Construct authentication header (replace with your own method if needed)
const authHeader = Basic ${Buffer.from(${consumerKey}:${consumerSecret}).toString('base64')};

// Dynamic list of kolli-ids
const kolliIds = [
{ kolliId: ‘RR095674983SE’, name: ‘Mats Davidsson’ },
{ kolliId: ‘RR094803457SE’, name: ‘Dad Mitel’ },
// … other kolli-id entries

async function findOrderByKolliId(kolliId) {
try {
const response = await fetch(${baseURL}orders?search=${kolliId}, {
headers: {
Authorization: authHeader,

if (!response.ok) {
  throw new Error(`Failed to find order: ${response.statusText}`);

const orders = await response.json();
return orders[0] || null; // Return first order or null if not found

} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error finding order:’, error);
return null;

async function sendCustomerMessage(orderId, message) {
try {
const response = await fetch(${baseURL}orders/${orderId}/customer-notes, {
method: ‘POST’,
headers: {
Authorization: authHeader,
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,
body: JSON.stringify({ note: message }),

if (!response.ok) {
  throw new Error(`Failed to send message: ${response.statusText}`);

console.log('Message sent successfully');

} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error sending message:’, error);

async function processKolliIds() {
for (const kolliIdData of kolliIds) {
const kolliId = kolliIdData.kolliId;
const order = await findOrderByKolliId(kolliId);

if (order) {
  const message = `Din order ${order.number} blev tidigare inlämnad till PostNord`;
  await sendCustomerMessage(order.id, message);
  console.log('Message sent for order:', order.number);
} else {
  console.log('No order found for kolli-id:', kolliId);



The code you’ve provided is written to run in a Node.js environment where you can use require to import modules like node-fetch. However, in Pipedream workflows, you use ES Modules (ESM) for imports, and Pipedream provides a built-in HTTP client (axios) that you should use for making HTTP requests instead of node-fetch. Let’s refactor your code to work within a Pipedream workflow: ``` import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform”; // WooCommerce API details (replace with your credentials) const baseURL = ‘https://your-store.com/wp-json/wc/v3/’; const consumerKey = ‘your-consumer-key’; const consumerSecret = ‘your-consumer-secret’; // Construct authentication header (replace with your own method if needed) const authHeader = Basic ${Buffer.from(${consumerKey}:${consumerSecret}).toString('base64')}; // Dynamic list of kolli-ids const kolliIds = [ { kolliId: ‘RR095674983SE’, name: ‘Mats Davidsson’ }, { kolliId: ‘RR094803457SE’, name: ‘Dad Mitel’ }, // … other kolli-id entries ]; async function findOrderByKolliId($, kolliId) { try { const response = await axios($, { url: ${baseURL}orders?search=${kolliId}, headers: { Authorization: authHeader, }, }); return response[0] || null; // Return first order or null if not found } catch (error) { console.error(‘Error finding order:’, error); return null; } } async function sendCustomerMessage($, orderId, message) { try { await axios($, { method: ‘POST’, url: ${baseURL}orders/${orderId}/customer-notes, headers: { Authorization: authHeader, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, }, data: { note: message }, }); console.log(‘Message sent successfully’); } catch (error) { console.error(‘Error sending message:’, error); } } export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { for (const kolliIdData of kolliIds) { const kolliId = kolliIdData.kolliId; const order = await