What is the best way to trigger a workflow step multiple times based on a JS array length?

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How can I achieve, that one of my steps in a workflow would trigger a couple of times (depending on the count/length of a JS array, which is generated a few steps before)?

Hi , unfortunately Pipedream doesn’t support loop for now. Pipedream has a Github issue here to track the progress! Kindly subscribe to it to be noticed when it is landed

For now you might need to use Node.js code step for this :pray:

thanks - are there any ressources in the documentation, how I can kickoff one of the available steps from pipedream (e.g. sending a message to a specific user with a discord bot) using code?

Hi , here’s a good thread for you to get started https://pipedream.com/community/t/how-do-i-iterate-through-an-array-of-results-from-a-step/107/6

thanks, that a good starting point for this workaround!