Is there a filepath on the disk that is persisted across steps for a given execution?

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David McKay : Is there a filepath on the disk that is persisted across steps for a given execution?

SERW2039 : There is a /TMP folder where data is written during the workflow execution, Data is removed after workflow completes

SERW2039 :

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : That’s correct. /tmp is also not guaranteed to be cleared across workflow invocations, since we reuse the same execution environment across runs if we can, and do not clear /tmp between runs.

David McKay : I’m trying to download a file from Bannerbear ad upload it to YouTube using this approach, but Pipedream says I’m breaking some limits?

David McKay : ```
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

const response = await fetch(event.body.image_url_png);
const buffer = await response.buffer();

return await fs.writeFileSync(/tmp/image.png, buffer);

David McKay : ```
const { google } = require(‘googleapis’);
const youtubeAuth = new google.auth.OAuth2();
youtubeAuth.setCredentials({ access_token: auths.youtube_data_api.oauth_access_token });
const service = await{ version: ‘v3’, auth: youtubeAuth });

const fs = require(‘fs’);
const image = await fs.readFileSync(’/tmp/image.png’);

return await service.thumbnails.set({
videoId: event.body.metadata,
data: image,

David McKay : This seems OK to me, but I’m sure I’m doing something silly

David McKay : Seems to be the service.thumbnails.set that’s failing / causing the error

David McKay : ```
return await service.thumbnails.set({
videoId: event.body.metadata,
media: {
body: fs.createReadStream(’/tmp/image.png’)

David McKay : This works! I’ll publish these as actions for others :smile:

David McKay : Thank you both for your help

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : Nice!

David McKay :

David McKay : I need to blog all this automation. I’ll aim for next week

Raymond Camden : Dylan, you mentioned /tmp is not cleaned, but is access to it single threaded?

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : If more than one invocation is triggered at the same time, we’ll actually spin up a new worker / execution environment to handle that request. This new worker will have an empty /tmp on that first run. If it writes a file to /tmp, and your workflow continues processing two invocations in parallel, the invocations will run on one of the two workers, but the data in /tmp may now be different.

So technically yes, a single worker will only be able to access /tmp at any given time. But because of the above, I’d recommend not relying on files remaining in /tmp, and perhaps clearing it at the start of runs if you rely on listing files, for example.

Raymond Camden : so its ok to use tmp and you have single threaded access to it, but you should not assume previous values exist. what im trying to be sure of is a scenario where step 1 of a workflow writes to /tmp and step 10 reads, it’s safe to assume no other invocation wrote to your tmp

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : That is correct, a single worker will only process one invocation at a time, so between steps you can rely on /tmp not being accessed by another invocation