Is there a bug in the RSS trigger causing issues with angle brackets in post titles?

so in the trigger, its def wrong, ie its reporting the title w/ the code stripped out. it looks like the logic is:

import rss from “…/…/app/”;

How do I edit or see that though?

Yes the editing trigger code directly in the dashboard is a bit limited, you can’t edit imported files from that view currently.

But you can clone the Pipedream repository which includes this RSS trigger:

Specifically here:

Then you can edit this code, and use pd dev new-item-in-feed.mjs to deploy a private version of this source to your account

hmm, ok, let me try. i assume if i find the bug, i can report it, maybe issue a pr?

Exactly :slightly_smiling_face:

The repository is open source, so you can make a PR with your fix and become an official PD contributor

i think i have in the past. i believe merge-rss-feeds was one of mine

heh yeah and is ee a typo in my comments ;l)

Nice. Yup you can make any changes you’d like, change the xml parser package version, add additional props to modify parsing, etc.

right now im just testing in RunJS, and the package used, feedparser, is definitely messing up. going to see if its a known issue. i also double checked with a feed validator, and my escaping is kosher

boom, open bug

and it was intentional - with a workaround, testing that

The package.json in the source should list the pinned version of the feedparser package. I wonder if we could just downgrade it for now

nah the fix looks safe/easy

(err, when i say nah, i mean imo :wink:

if i fork and submit a mod w/o testing, would yall hate me? :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the component devs will actually test it before merging, that’s how the current flow works

ok, i’ll be honest when i submit the pr

its a -very- minimal change