Is there a best practice for retrying a step?

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Nacho Caballero : Is there a best practice for retrying a step? I often get these temporary 503s when using Google Docs/Sheets API and I don’t have a good strategy to re-run them other than doing it manually

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : Currently the best way to handle would be to implement a try / catch within the step itself, but we’re still thinking a lot about step-level and workflow-level retries along with other “primitives” like looping / branching. Still conceptual but we hear the use cases more and more.

Does that specific step use Google’s npm package, or does it use axios to make an HTTP request to the API? Google’s package might implement some backoff / retry behavior

Nacho Caballero : Thanks, . I think I’ll try using this library. It looks like an easy fix: axios-retry - npm