How to resolve "requested entity not found" error when adding multiple rows to a Google Sheet with Pipedream integration?

Just catching up here — async options (dynamic fetching of “Sheet Names” will indeed not work with step references ({{steps.create_spreadsheet.$return_value.spreadsheetId}}), so it just means you need to also use a custom expression (can be a step reference) for the Sheet Name prop (ie, Sheet1 or {{steps.create_spreadsheet.$return_value.sheets[0].properties.title}}).

I just tested this and it works for me

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 10.33.09 AM.png

Thanks Danny - just curious, does the Sheet Name prop input show the same exact title? I’m just curious why defining the title as a normal human readable title string doesn’t work?

I think probably a label vs value issue, right? Even though Google returns it as …properties.title lol

yep that works! I hadn’t thought to try it with the eval from the step and when I typed it in I added a space (“Step 1” not “Step1"). I knew it would be simple. Working now, thanks so much for the help you two

Definitely non-obvious, so thank you for raising! We should improve this scenario