How to Handle the Redirect URI for OAuth Sign-In Using Python in Pipedream?

Okay, please try again

Thanks, I just tried but it generated an error again

Hm I see this error:

{ "statusCode": 401, "dateTime": "2023-11-13T22:15:46Z", "description": "The request could not be fulfilled as no reapit-customer header was provided. Please generate a new access token and try again." }

Need to see what that means

I see this in their docs, I’m trying to understand how to support it

Oh interesting, so you have to manually specify customer ID(s) in the request headers when using the client credentials flow.

Is that feasible for your use case, Matt?

I can’t unfortunately, it’s supposed to be available through my developer account, but it’s not. I will contact them to ask. Thanks for your help anyway

It’s sounding like the more feasible route might be to modify the configuration to authorization_code, which is more typical and may alleviate some of these issues. I believe we’ll need to apply for access in that case, which we can certainly do.