How Can I Optimize the Initial Response Time for a Pipedream Webhook Endpoint?

I’m not sure if that works

Um not touching anything, probably the workflow is getting really warm starts now

The other workflow is still too slow to get a verification on.

In Pipedream the execution times look fine, but the reality of time between the steps seems to be where the trouble lies.

You are referring to the time taken between the trigger and the first action step, yeah?

Seemingly, yeah?

The trigger and response steps are completing in tens of milliseconds as measured in Pipedream.

have you tried issuing a static response in the HTTP trigger configuration? That happens directly at the server that handles the HTTP request, and should be very fast.

the challenge introduces complications

Yes, but the call requires that I respond with a challenge… yeah.

My workaround (for now) was to disable all steps except for the response, spam the validation step until it enabled, and then turn all the steps back on and move the response to the trigger. It is suboptimal and brittle, but :crossed_fingers: