Getting started creating a new event source (Reddit)

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : the prop will hold a value of undefined if it’s not set

SERW2039 : Yes that’s works! Got it. Thanks for info))

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : np!

SERW2039 : One question that I have, is there a way to programmatically, or in batches, I should say, to remove workflows, sources, and other Pipedream user’s assets? i.e for my sources developing when testing props, and the async options method for dynamically pulling options when configuring the source, i have found the easiest to just pd dev again, instead of resume an existing source, or lettting running while there are changes in code. I would be looking to erase, remove older sources I no longer use ideally in one go, on the same batch.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : You can use the CLI and API to delete sources (not yet workflow). You can also attach pd dev to an existing component using the --dc option:

pd dev [--dc <existing-dc-id>] <file-or-name>