Stack AI

No-Code Platform for Enterprise AI.

Integrate the Stack AI API with the HubSpot API

Setup the Stack AI API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the HubSpot API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Stack AI and HubSpot remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Company Updated from the HubSpot API

Emit new event each time a company is updated.

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Contact Updated from the HubSpot API

Emit new event each time a contact is updated.

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Deleted Blog Posts from the HubSpot API

Emit new event for each deleted blog post.

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Line Item Updated from the HubSpot API

Emit new event each time a line item is updated.

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New Blog Posts from the HubSpot API

Emit new event for each new blog post.

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Add Contact to List with the HubSpot API

Adds a contact to a specific static list. See the documentation

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Batch Create or Update Contact with the HubSpot API

Create or update a batch of contacts by its ID. See the documentation

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Create Associations with the HubSpot API

Create associations between objects. See the documentation

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Create Company with the HubSpot API

Create a company in Hubspot. See the documentation

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Create Contact with the HubSpot API

Create a contact in Hubspot. See the documentation

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Overview of Stack AI

The Stack AI API offers artificial intelligence capabilities that can be leveraged to analyze and interpret data, enhance automation, and make predictions based on patterns. In Pipedream, you can create serverless workflows that integrate Stack AI's functionalities to process vast amounts of data and connect it with other apps to enable smart automation, all without managing infrastructure.

Overview of HubSpot

The HubSpot API enables developers to integrate into HubSpots CRM, CMS, Conversations, and other features. It allows for automated management of contacts, companies, deals, and marketing campaigns, enabling custom workflows, data synchronization, and task automation. This streamlines operations and boosts customer engagement, with real-time updates for rapid response to market changes.

Connect HubSpot

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    hubspot: {
      type: "app",
      app: "hubspot",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: ``,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.hubspot.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,