GitLab (Developer App)

Use GitLab (Developer App) to connect to your self-hosted GitLab instance.

Integrate the GitLab (Developer App) API with the Python API

Setup the GitLab (Developer App) API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Python API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate GitLab (Developer App) and Python remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Run Python Code with Python API on New Audit Event (Instant) from GitLab (Developer App) API
GitLab (Developer App) + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Branch (Instant) from GitLab (Developer App) API
GitLab (Developer App) + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Commit (Instant) from GitLab (Developer App) API
GitLab (Developer App) + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Commit Comment (Instant) from GitLab (Developer App) API
GitLab (Developer App) + Python
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Run Python Code with Python API on New Issue (Instant) from GitLab (Developer App) API
GitLab (Developer App) + Python
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New Audit Event (Instant) from the GitLab (Developer App) API

Emit new event when a new audit event is created

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New Branch (Instant) from the GitLab (Developer App) API

Emit new event when a new branch is created

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New Commit (Instant) from the GitLab (Developer App) API

Emit new event when a new commit is pushed to a branch

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New Commit Comment (Instant) from the GitLab (Developer App) API

Emit new event when a commit receives a comment

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New Issue (Instant) from the GitLab (Developer App) API

Emit new event when an issue is created in a project

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Create Branch with the GitLab (Developer App) API

Create a new branch in the repository. See the documentation

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Run Python Code with the Python API

Write Python and use any of the 350k+ PyPi packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Python docs to learn more.

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Create Epic with the GitLab (Developer App) API

Creates a new epic. See the documentation

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Create issue with the GitLab (Developer App) API

Creates a new issue. See the documentation

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Get Issue with the GitLab (Developer App) API

Gets a single issue from repository. See the documentation

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Overview of GitLab (Developer App)

The GitLab (Developer App) API on Pipedream allows you to automate your development workflow by connecting GitLab with other services and creating custom, serverless workflows. With this API, you can trigger actions on events in GitLab, like pushes, merge requests, or issues, and perform operations such as creating new commits, managing issues, or deploying code. It simplifies your DevOps cycle, offers extensive automation capabilities, and integrates with numerous third-party tools, all from within Pipedream's seamless integration platform.

Connect GitLab (Developer App)

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"
export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    gitlab_developer_app: {
      type: "app",
      app: "gitlab_developer_app",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    return await axios($, {
      url: `https://${this.gitlab_developer_app.$auth.base_api_url}/api/v4/user`,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.gitlab_developer_app.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,

Overview of Python

Develop, run and deploy your Python code in Pipedream workflows. Integrate seamlessly between no-code steps, with connected accounts, or integrate Data Stores and manipulate files within a workflow.

This includes installing PyPI packages, within your code without having to manage a requirements.txt file or running pip.

Below is an example of using Python to access data from the trigger of the workflow, and sharing it with subsequent workflow steps:

Connect Python

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
  # Reference data from previous steps
  # Return data for use in future steps
  return {"foo": {"test":True}}