Abstract - Email Verification API

Do more, build better, ship faster with Abstract APIs.

Integrate the Abstract - Email Verification API API with the Python API

Setup the Abstract - Email Verification API API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Python API. Pipedream's integration platform allows you to integrate Abstract - Email Verification API and Python remarkably fast. Free for developers.

Validate Email with the Abstract - Email Verification API API

Check the deliverability of a specified email address. See the documentation

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Run Python Code with the Python API

Write Python and use any of the 350k+ PyPi packages available. Refer to the Pipedream Python docs to learn more.

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Overview of Abstract - Email Verification API

The Abstract - Email Verification API allows you to verify the validity and quality of an email address. With this API, you can confirm if an email exists, is formatted correctly, and is not a temporary or disposable address. Integrating this API with Pipedream workflows offers numerous possibilities, such as filtering out fake email addresses from sign-up processes, maintaining email list hygiene, or automating customer outreach by ensuring that communications only go to verified emails.

Overview of Python

Develop, run and deploy your Python code in Pipedream workflows. Integrate seamlessly between no-code steps, with connected accounts, or integrate Data Stores and manipulate files within a workflow.

This includes installing PyPI packages, within your code without having to manage a requirements.txt file or running pip.

Below is an example of using Python to access data from the trigger of the workflow, and sharing it with subsequent workflow steps:

Connect Python

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
  # Reference data from previous steps
  # Return data for use in future steps
  return {"foo": {"test":True}}