Mysql - use values from a query result

Basic question on using MySQL query results.
Have made a connetion to MySQL and run inserts and the example ‘Select NOW()’.
I cannot easily get the result of a simple query returned in any useful way.
How do you access the value pairs from a query result row set.

I also note that the example ‘Select Now()’ generates a warning to promisify the query. Not sure how to do that.
Any advice greatly appreciated

@simon-beard you can ignore the Promise warning, that’s unfortunately an issue with the underlying package, and it’s a false positive - the query should work fine.

Take a look at the mysql2 package docs on accessing the field / row data of queries, for example:

const [rows, fields] = await connection.execute('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `name` = ? AND `age` > ?', ['Morty', 14]);

Let me know if that helps!