Latest Tweet About Pipedream?

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can you get me latest tweet about pipedream

To get the latest tweet about Pipedream, you can use the Twitter API with Pipedream. First, you’ll need to set up a Twitter Developer account and create an app to get the necessary API keys and access tokens. Once you have your API keys and access tokens, you can create a new Pipedream workflow and use the following code snippet as a Node.js step: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ async run() { const url = ""; const query = "pipedream"; const bearerToken = "YOUR_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN"; const response = await axios(this, { method: "GET", url: url, headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${bearerToken}`, }, params: { "query": query, "max_results": 1, }, }); return response; }, }); Replace YOUR_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN with your actual Twitter Bearer Token. This code will search for the most recent tweet containing the word “pipedream” and return the tweet data. Remember to check the Twitter API documentation for any rate limits or restrictions: Twitter API Documentation | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform

i want to get latest tweet from you

I apologize for the confusion earlier. As a support bot, I don’t have a Twitter account to fetch tweets from. However, if you’re looking for the latest tweet from the official Pipedream Twitter account, you can follow the instructions I provided earlier to fetch the latest tweet containing the word “pipedream” or modify the query to search for tweets from a specific account, like “@pipedream”. Here’s the modified code snippet to fetch the latest tweet from the Pipedream Twitter account: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ async run() { const url = ""; const query = "from:pipedream"; const bearerToken = "YOUR_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN"; const response = await axios(this, { method: "GET", url: url, headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${bearerToken}`, }, params: { "query": query, "max_results": 1, }, }); return response; }, }); Replace YOUR_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN with your actual Twitter Bearer Token. This code will search for the most recent tweet from the Pipedream Twitter account and return the tweet data.